United States
Citizenship Requirements
- Applicant must be at least 18 years of age (or older) when applying
- Must be a lawful permanent resident (LPR) for 5 years before time of applying
- Someone who is not a citizen but has allowance to live in the USA is considered a lawful permanent resident.
- Your green card can not be expired, and must be valid.
- Individual must have continuous residence in the United States for 5 years before filing
- You must live in the USA and could not have left the U.S. for any trips for over 6 months.
- There are limited options if you did take a trip for over 6 months
- Be physically present in the U.S. for at least 30 months by time of applying
- Applicants must prove they have been in the U.S. for at least half of the time of continuous residence time period.
- Your days outside the USA are added up. This includes days you were traveling to and from the USA.
- Provide proof of state residence for at least 3 months before filing
- Documents must show that you live in the states that is listed on your application
- ex: state driver's license, utility bill, home deed/lease mortgage agreement
- Display good moral character for at least 5 years before filing
- Good moral character means your behavior is similar to those in your community. In general terms, this means you are an honest person and haven't committed certain crimes.
Continue to show good moral character throughout the application process , and be honest in the naturalization interview.
For more information regarding U.S. citizenship visit the official government website